Can Office Phones Plus Help a New Business Like Mine?

YES! Office Phones Plus is just as valuable to a business that’s just starting out as it is to a business that’s thriving and growing.
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Can Office Phones Plus Help a New Business Like Mine?

First off, congrats on starting your own business — this is an exciting but challenging endeavor. One of the most crucial steps you’re going to have to take right away is ensuring that communications go smoothly between you and anyone who could potentially be patronizing your business. If you’re looking at what we offer through Office Phones Plus, you might be wondering whether it’s too complicated and technical for a fledgling business like yours to worry about right away. Can the services Office Phones Plus provides actually help a new business?

The answer is YES! Office Phones Plus is just as valuable to a business that’s just starting out as it is to a business that’s thriving and growing. Let’s take a look at how the solutions we offer can be specifically tailored to help even the smallest businesses get on the right track and aspire for future growth. 

Start with the Right Solutions

When you get started, you might end up making one common mistake that many businesses before you have made: You decide to use a consumer-grade phone service. After all, you’re not that big just yet. You might think that you don’t need anything bigger or fancier than Google Voice or multiple cell phones you can juggle. This is a quick and cost-effective solution for where you are right now, but the big problem is that these setups aren’t built for long-term use.

Ideally, your business is going to grow. When that happens, you’re going to need more than Google Voice or a few cell numbers. But if that’s what you’ve been using, it could end up being difficult to switch from these ill-suited services to a professional business solution. It’s costly. It’s time-consuming. In short, it’s not something you’re going to want to deal with. 

Instead, you want to set up the right business phone systems from the beginning, which will ensure you have a smoother transition as your company expands. We offer you the tools and expertise you need to avoid those painful transitions and prepare you for the future.

Increase Productivity 

Small businesses can’t afford to waste time or energy — you want to make the most of every resource you have. The right phone system can be the best tool you could have when it comes to boosting your productivity, even if it’s just you who is running the whole show. 

Phone systems can come with features like auto attendants or call menus, which make it easy for you to prioritize important calls. That way, you’re always available to your customers instead of tied up taking calls you don’t need to. Imagine the convenience of receiving direct customer inquiries while vendors or other non-urgent calls are directed straight to voicemail. 

Build Credibility

If your business is just starting out, you want to demonstrate from the very start that you’re credible — people can trust you and depend on you. Small details give you that touch of professionalism you need to instill confidence in your customers. A dedicated business phone line with options like call menus or live answering service gives people the impression that you’re a larger, well-established company, even if it’s you and a team of a few people. Even if it seems unfair, customers will put more trust in a larger, well-established company like that, and they’ll feel more confident doing business with you if they perceive you that way. 

Meanwhile, your competitors will still be using their personal cell numbers for important business calls — they’ll seem clumsy, unprofessional, or less serious.

Office Phones Plus can set you up with a system that gives your customers a good first impression from the very beginning.

Future-Proof Your Business

Finally, there’s the matter of planning for the future. Your phone system is one of the many aspects of your business that you want to consider long-term. If you choose a phone system with only the short term in mind, you’re not setting your business up for growth.

Many phone systems come with long-term contracts, and locking into the wrong one can affect your business for years. Office Phones Plus can help you select a system that will meet not only your present needs but also the ones you’ll have in the future that you may or may not be able to foresee right now. We have members on our team who can provide you with the guidance you need to ensure you don’t make mistakes like signing up for a service that you can’t scale as your business expands. You might not be able to predict where your company will be in a few years, but they likely will, and they can provide appropriate guidance. 

Starting your business on the right foot with Office Phones Plus can make all the difference as you grow. You’ll enhance your productivity, establish credibility, and future-proof your operations with the right business phone solutions in place. Contact Office Phone Plus today at 410-504-1949.